DJ Ricky Da Dragon started spinning music for a dancin crowd at the very early age of 12.
He learned it the hard way because everything was disco then and this music is played by real drummers often without a click track so the tempo of a track was contstantly changing,wich makes it hard to keep 2 records at the same tempo.
When he finished school he started to spin records in Parkzicht Rotterdam together with Nr 1 DJ Rob, DJ Stanton and DJ Ludie (aka MC Joe) and Rick signed up as a producer at Stealth Records.
Ever since then he made many 12inch's, remixes and a few albums for different labels like Arcade & Sony Music (see discographie) & did lot's of live performance's with his keyboard & synth's.
He worked together with Maurits Paardekooper as remix duo Exposure and they immediatly had succes with trax like
Deep Inside Of Me (from TFX),
(Got to be)Free (from Deborah Wilson),
Allright To Love(youtube) (from Hex)
and Newyork Newyork (from Soup).
Rick works a lot with other artists,for example he helped DJ Sander Kleinenberg producing his first record.
During the zero's he made records together with DJ David Vunk and DJ Seutek and they call them selves the band Pussycat.
Nowadays he is very populair for dj-ing at houseclassic party's and can handle many styles but his heart goes out to the more soulful,deep and funky house music as club dj,radio performer and composer/producer.
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